Packaging For Portable X-ray Machines

Clip-Lok has designed and developed a packaging solution for portable X-ray machines. It is a cost-efficient one-way solution that meets the needs of the customer. The tool-free design ensures both the customer and end-users do not require tools to pack or unpack the box. The simplicity of opening and closing the box enhances the user experience and improves efficiency. We provide the market with the best packaging solution available for hospital equipment.

Customer Needs

A portable X-ray machine combines the advantages of high-end digital X-ray technology with portability and flexibility. It creates flexibility for the end-users whether they are in hospitals or at refugee camps. But, portable X-ray machines are expensive and easy to damage during transport. They are also heavy. Additionally, the repair costs are very high. Thus, they need sturdy and safe packaging.

Our Solution

Clip-Lok has long served the medical industry. We met the head of Solutions For Tomorrow at an exhibition and after understanding their specific need we offered them a packaging solution. As they required a low packaging cost per product, we suggested a tailor-made box with an OSB base and used 9mm plywood for the sides and lid. This provided protection to the portable X-ray machine during transport. Also, the cost of packaging was not high.

Foam dunnage & strapping for protection and stability

Our team also visited their manufacturing facility to view their mode of operation. This was important, as we designed a ramp on the short side of the box to make it easy to load and unload the portable X-ray machine for the operators. We also designed a strapping-friendly pallet base. This minimised movement of the X-ray machine during transport.

Wheels are an essential feature of this portable machine. During the testing phase, we recognized they are most likely to be damaged during transport. So, we designed two incisions at the base of the pallet where the wheels fit into and restrict movement. This results in higher stability and protection for the machine during transport. Foam dunnages are strategically placed to brace for impact during transport.

Flat-packable for easy storage

Our packaging is also flat-packable. Due to this, the end customer can easily store this packaging and ship the portable X-ray machine for recalibration, if required.

The box is very easy to assemble and disassemble, due to the Clip-Lok QIK plastic clips. The packaging can be opened and closed without any tools. This ensures a higher efficiency on the production floor. It also improves the end-user experience, while packing and unpacking the portable X-ray machine.

Clip-Lok boxes have a Danish design look to them. Due to this, the packaging becomes part of a high-end solution for the end-users.

Our packaging solution ensures a tool-free environment for not only our customer but also the end-user. It helps in reducing their damage costs during transport and increases the efficiency during loading and unloading of the portable X-rays.

Clip-Lok SimPak provides customers with the best packaging solution available in the market.

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